• Porsche West Broward

Nov 3, 2023

Defensive driving skills and techniques will help you avoid dangers on the road and keep you safe behind the wheel of your Porsche 911, Taycan, or Macan. By following the six tips below from our team at Porsche West Broward, you can anticipate potential hazards and make split-second decisions to avoid collisions.

Advice From Porsche West Broward: 6 Defensive Driving Tips for Porsche Owners

1. Be Alert and Stay Focused on the Road

Focus on the business of driving and refrain from multitasking. Don’t allow your passengers to distract you, ignore your cell phone, don’t daydream, avoid fiddling with buttons and dials, and refrain from eating or drinking behind the wheel. You must always be alert and focus on the road to take preventative action when necessary.

2. Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Concentrating and being aware of your surroundings, including other vehicles, pedestrians, and road signs, is vital. Scan the road ahead, maintain good posture, and keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road. Use your mirrors to check for hazards behind you. By being aware, you will know what is happening around you and be ready for the unexpected.

3. Identify Hazards 

Paying close attention will help you identify potential hazards and threats and take appropriate evasive action when necessary to avoid accidents. If you stay vigilant and focused, you will have enough time to react and make safe maneuvers such as changing lanes, braking, or steering without putting yourself, your passengers, or other drivers at risk.

4. Maintain a Safe Following Distance

To maintain a safe following distance, follow the three-second rule: keeping at least three seconds of driving time between you and the vehicle ahead. A safe following distance will give you enough space and time to react when necessary. Increase the distance even more at night or in inclement weather, especially when the roads are slippery. 

5. Drive Cautiously

Always use your turn signals to make other drivers aware of your intentions. When approaching an intersection, look out for vehicles that may run the red light before proceeding when the light turns green. Drive within the middle lane, and use the right lane only if you drive slower than the traffic and the left lane when driving faster.

Avoid braking suddenly, changing lanes unnecessarily, or slipping between vehicles, as this increases the risk of an accident. If you notice reckless driving, remain calm, slow down, and allow the driver to pass or change lanes when being tailgated.

6. Ignore Rude and Aggressive Drivers

When faced with a rude or aggressive driver, it is important to prioritize your safety. Do not engage with the driver, avoid eye contact, and keep your focus on the road ahead. Ignore rude hand signals, screaming, and aggressive honking. Stay calm, and don’t allow aggressive behavior to take your attention off the road. 

Keep your focus on the road, be aware of your surroundings, and drive cautiously. Call Porsche West Broward today to schedule a maintenance appointment to ensure your vehicle is safe on the road.